Well this one came out of nowhere. Honestly, I watched the trailer for this film and thought it looked like complete crap. But holy cow was this a masterpiece in modern film. I’m not holding back on this one, guys. This is one heck of a film.
Get Out is a 2017 horror/thriller film directed and written by Jordan Peele in his directorial debut. The film stars Daniel Kaluuya, Allison Williams, Bradley Whitford and many more, as the story follows a young African-American man who visits his Caucasian girlfriend’s mysterious family estate.
As I mention in a lot of my film reviews, I had zero intentions to see this film. After selling a bunch of tickets for it opening day, a bunch of my coworkers praised this film and begged me to see it. One of them even pointed out that it had a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes (at the time), which I thought was a joke until I saw it. Not gonna lie, this film deserves all the praise.
So Get Out had a lot of things going right for it, but the thing that stands out the most had to be its story. This film has such a basic plot, yet it takes it to so many different places. Like I mentioned above, I thought this was going to be complete garbage after seeing the first trailer. I could have sworn that the trailer gave it all away but it didn’t. The twists and turns were sometimes predictable, but for the most part this film had my jaw on the ground in shock. I was sincerely surprised by the ending, and this film had me going from the moment it started.
Another key part to this film was its incredible performances. Daniel Kaluuya was fantastic in his role, and had such great depth to his character that I feel like there was still so much to learn about him even by the end of the film. Even Allison Williams was great, and her (spoiler) reveal at the end was absolutely convincing, and had me shocked in my seat at the theater. There were so many other great performances that I could go on about, but those two were the best of the best. For sure.
One of the biggest reasons why I think this film did so well with even the older crowd was its cinematography. Wow, I was honestly surprised by this aspect alone. Never did I expect a film from Jordan Peele to be this good, but also look this fantastic as well. The cold open was great, and was done all in one shot from what I could tell. Now it isn’t the best film that I’ve seen when it comes to cinematography, but holy hell was this a good start for director Jordan Peele. I honestly can’t wait to see what he has in store for his next film.
But although I always say that no film can go without sin, this film has some pretty minute issues. Although I praised the acting for most of the cast in this film, I didn’t feel incredibly connected to some others. Not to mention some of the larger questions I had towards the end where never actually answered either. But these are such minuet issues that I can honestly let them pass and have no issue when watching this film.
So to conclude, Get Out is a fantastic film, and a hit for audiences around the world. The acting is great, the story is great, the pacing is fantastic, and the movie looks fantastic. There really isn’t much to complain when it comes to Jordan Peele’s first film. So to go with all of my praise, I decided to give Get Out a “Very Good” on theVade Review Bar. I can’t wait to see what will come next.. possibly a film called Come In? Who knows?