WALL-E – Movie Review

Probably one of the better Pixar films I’ve seen recently. I don’t care what people say, Inside Out sucked. So this week we’ll have a short review, but lets get on with it!

WALL-E is a 2008 animated/sci-fi film directed by Andrew Stanton and is the ninth film produced by Pixar. It stars the voices of Ben Burtt, Elissa Knight, Jeff Garlin, Sigourney Weaver and many others. The film follows a small waste-collecting robot name WALL-E who inadvertently embarks on a space journey that will ultimately decide the fate of mankind.

The film has a beautiful way of storytelling, which is ultimately what makes this film shine above all the other Pixar films. The film is presented almost like a silent film would have been, as there is very little dialog within the film. WALL-E never says a single word (other than names), while Eve has a little more dialog than the small waste robot but is still minimal. I almost feel that this film would lose its wow factor if it didn’t have that silent film feel. Now the film doesn’t lack in great dialog either. There are plenty of great lines in the film, one that stood out to me the most was a line from the captain who said, “I don’t want to survive, I want to live.” The lack of dialog in most scenes leave moments like that even better.

The visuals in this film are also great, but show a little bit of age after 8 years. Not saying that they’re bad, but you can tell that we have definitely improved in computer animation since then. Something I didn’t enjoy, personally, was the use of real actors alongside animated characters. It took me out of the immersion of the film, and I personally found it odd and kinda dumb. One thing I would like to praise this film on is the use of specific colors. In the beginning we see a lot of browns, yellows, and reds, but as soon as the plant is introduced you immediately know it’s important since it is the only green you’ve seen in the film so far. WALL-E does this throughout the rest of the film, and I applaud the creative team who made that happen. Really adds an extra layer to the film.

There wasn’t much I had to complain about this film. The storyline and way of storytelling was great, and the visuals weren’t bad but the use of actual actors did take away from the immersion of the film. With all that being said, I decided to give WALL-E a “Very Good” on theVade Review Bar. This was honestly a great Pixar film, and like I said above, I think that this is one of the better Pixar movies I’ve seen in a long time. Let’s hope that after Pixar’s season of reboots we will have some original films like this one.