thanks for tuning in

As of this moment theVade has officially seen its final days.

First I would like to thank everyone who stuck with me through a lot of the changes that came to theVade and ZachTrack throughout the years. As time has gone on, I’ve changed and so has my creative expression as a writer.

Back in 2016 when I first started theVade I never expected it to be as large of a project as it came to be. A year later I was basically managing two full time websites and it was honestly just too much.

I just wanted something simple, and by the time 2018 hit I was completely exhausted creatively. Since then I’ve taken a strict hiatus from both sites as well as writing in general.

As the years have passed I’ve had an incredibly hard time trying to let go of what felt like my children. I loved these website and what they stood for, so it’s been very hard for me to say goodbye.

With that being said I think it is finally time to say my peace and move on. My creativity is back and flowing strong again. As for that, I’ve decided to start with something new rather than stepping backwards and falling into the same creative pit I did two years ago.

As of now the site will continue to stay up for as long as I own the domain as a way to preserve such a fun chapter of my life. As time goes on and the web continues, I might come back on and give this site a little bit of life.. but don’t expect it.

At the current moment there are no plans to release anything on here, but if you’d like to check back every now and then I can promise you that it will still be here.

For now, theVade and ZachTrack will remain untouched and will continue to function as digital archives. If you would like to follow along with what I’m currently working on, I’ve created a new blog, slightly different than ZachTrack.

Although this new site will provide the same basic function as ZachTrack, will be my newest project and will continue to operate for the foreseeable future.

Thanks again to everyone who decided to embark with me on this journey, and I look forward to what the future and the internet holds in store.

Until next time,
